Every individual is unique in his own way. Man is entrusted with some specifications from his birth. His qualities reflect in his personality and give him a distinction in this society. But have you ever noticed why some one individual emerges out to be the best, who was being loved and most cherished as a friend as a soul mate or even as a good human being! Why only one individual emerges out as the most successful, most rich or most intelligent amongst the mass!
I often wonder why in the crowd only a few get that much coveted place. Why in a mass only a few get what they really want to get. And in a crowd why only a few really get that much applause which many may wish to achieve.
I often wonder why in the crowd only a few get that much coveted place. Why in a mass only a few get what they really want to get. And in a crowd why only a few really get that much applause which many may wish to achieve.

Is it that they are more intelligent? Is it that they are very self-confident? Are they born with that power by which they can achieve whatever they wished to?
In my post graduation classes I first interacted with my fellow classmates away from the influence of my parents. I started looking at them through my own perspectives. I saw every body has that self-confidence, frustration, fear, aim and desire- all these are same in all but of different nature. Few left a lingering impression on me. But a few, in spite being successful never impressed me much. After getting married I came across people from around the world. I got introduced to this metro life and this corporate world. I found being successful is not every thing. Like this picture everybody is clad with that black robe of ego, selfishness, like that small horns their arrogance is protruding from their head and that race is there within to display that flashy red dress in the crowd, that is “yes I am the best” “I am different”. But amongst all these also they have got a few qualities which will touch your soul. Even in this race there are a few who will leave you with lasting impression.
Why it is so? Like that eagle, I have seen these individuals flying in their own sky scaling the greater heights. A few are there who concentrate on their aim and achievements on this earth, A few know how to prey the other small birds ,who are just learning to fly or the small innocent rabbits and cunning rats who roam on this earth. But few eagles are there who never forget that this is this earth which made them capable to scale the sky. They love to get attached to this earth and enjoy their flight in the open sky equally. I do possess a special weakness for these individuals.
I always stay in that glass house of my thoughts, from where I could see the world and the world could see me too. But I never dared to break that glass house to scale that height to roam free in that open sky, like that eagle. I wonder is there any predator that preys the eagles too. Is flying high is that lucrative as it looks from my glass house. May be a few more years of experience will tell me this…………
very fine. keep it up
To Ms. UshaPearl,
The humans have special urge to be noticed. Sometimes it takes good forms and sometimes the otherwise.
Naval Langa
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